H²O is supporting CARE Luxembourg

We feel responsible for the future of our planet and the next generations and wish to contribute to a better world.

On behalf of H²O Luxembourg, we decided to contribute to providing “clean H²O”, in other words clean water, to mothers and newborns in Niger through the humanitarian association CARE Luxembourg.

Sharing our precious resources

Niger is one of the 10 poorest countries in the world. Because of climate change, droughts are becoming longer and more intense. Most people can no longer support themselves and are undernourished.

Conditions are difficult and access to healthcare or education is not guaranteed, especially in the most remote areas. This led to Niger having among the highest maternal and infant mortality in the world. 1 in 7 women and 1 in 6 children die during childbirth.

CARE’s approach

The first 1.000 days:

The first 1.000 days between a child’s conception and their second birthday is a crucial window of opportunity that can shape their development and potentially even save their life. This vulnerable moment is when foundations can be laid to protect a baby’s development and their physical, social, emotional and cognitive health. What happens in these first 1.000 days may be the difference between struggling and flourishing for the rest of that baby’s life.

CARE Luxembourg wants to make a difference by focusing on those first 1,000 days. This starts with the increased access to quality health care and nutrition services for Nigerien mothers and their newborns.

More specifically, CARE Luxembourg supports women and children in five communes in southern Niger by providing them with healthy food and access to health care. Delivery rooms and child nutrition centres are being built, delivery room equipment is installed, and health workers and midwives are being trained. CARE Luxembourg is also working to rehabilitate water points in the area so that mothers and children can have access to clean water during this crucial period of their lives.

CARE’s action in Niger with H²O’s support:

H²O is supporting CARE Luxembourg in providing clean water to mothers and newborns in Niger. Without clean water, there can’t be quality health services, especially for newborns and pregnant women who are at high risk of water borne diseases. Clean water reduces the risks of infections during and after childbirth.

In particular, we supported CARE in the rehabilitation of water points to provide clean water to 3 maternities in the south of Niger.

By helping provide pregnant women and newborns with clean water, CARE Luxembourg pledges for a better future.

Visit care Luxemburg